
Ogden Pond Capital (OPC) is an activist investor focused on investments in high-growth corporations that are structured to achieve significant capital appreciation. OPC's investment strategy is based on three longer-term business trends that it believes will shape the next 20 years of emerging growth opportunities:

OPC believes the global commodity market has reached an inflection point that has triggered a new race to dominate global supply lines. Arguably, China's insatiable appetite for natural resources and growing desire for downstream ownership of these resources has defined the tipping point. OPC plans to develop resource companies and sell them to market players looking for supply security.

The impact of technology on the governance of change will profoundly change the next 20 years. OPC will invest in specific technology related businesses that offer the opportunity to reinvent the functions of traditional markets and their participants.

- The Internet as a disruptive market force has only just begun to impact many traditional industrial markets.
- Business Process Outsourcing is being broadly adopted and the suppliers of excellence are those with integrated technology and operational excellence.
- Software-as-a-Service is the future of the software industry and provides participants with steady and consistent growth.

In North America the retiring baby boomers generation will create a secession, planning supply-demand curve inversion in mid-market private companies. This will provide acquirers with numerous investment opportunities. OPC plans to develop major investments in specific industries and develop roll-up best practices.

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